Therianthropy in practice VS Imitation

Q: (from a lovely wolf-spirited seeker this morning)

“How does it all work, and how is it different from what we see every day?”

A: Therianthropy comes from long-standing shamanic and tribal traditions based on animal worship and balance with our human and animal natures, with a special attention to natural conservation.How it differs from what you see every day is that most people who project themselves as therians are young, inexperienced, and often times just want attention.

The community is scattered, for sure, because not many want to put in the work to build something to help all of us function better within this subculture/spirituality.

There is so much more to wolf culture that most don’t even see or care to admit.

It’s a way of life, a spirituality, and a personal path. It needs to be treated with sincerity both on the parts of insiders and outsiders to this path.

(See some examples below regarding traditional practices and modern ones.)

Which looks more respectful and authentic to you?

Learning about nature, respecting it.

Respecting culture and indigenous rituals, learning about moon cycles, versus dressing up for attention and parties, contacting local news or TV shows.

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